Afghan kite flying tips (Afghan Fighter Kites)
We are going to share some very simple kite flying tips here which will help you greatly, especially if you are new to the game. Flying a kite is like learning how to ride a bicycle. Once you get a hang of it, you will never forget it!
Please take a moment to watch the clip above ( it will give you a nice visual of ideal location/weather and wind rage to fly your Afghan Kite )
Ideal Day/Wind Range To Fly Your Kite:
- Please take your kite out on a right day. Afghani kites we feature do not require a lot of wind, they are excellent for mild wind days, about 3-7 mph steady breeze will do the trick, you can be on your way to flying them 100+ yards high, please visit weather.com, put in your zip code and they will usually give you a pretty accurate report of the weather/wind for that day.
Don't have access to a computer? Here are two wind Tests:
- Good day to fly your kite: You feel a light steady breeze hit your face, but as you look at the trees around you, they are hardly moving ( you can see very mild movement in tree branches and leaves, as demonstrated in the clip above ). This would be the perfect condition!
- Bad day to fly your kite: You try to take your kite out and as you are holding it you can barley hang on to it due to wind trying to blow it off your hands. This condition is not good even for experienced kite flyer.
- Bad day to fly your kite: Absolutely no wind or shifting wind. Both condition are not good, with no wind you find yourself working too hard to fly the kite and when wind is shifting you find yourself flying the kite only to bring it back down or suddenly have the wind blow the kite out of control.
Your First Fly:
- The first time you fly your kite, you may notice it either slightly tilt to right or left as its flying. This is perfectly normal, all you have to do is add some weight to the opposite side. Usually a small piece of clear tape will work fine. Keep repeating as needed. High winds usually trigger this behavior more, so once again for best experience take your kite out on a day 3-7 mph steady breeze day.
Navigating The Kite:
- As you fly the kite, make sure it is pointing up and when ever the kite goes into a direction you don't want it to go, simply relax the string or even feed it a little string and it will start to head right back up where you want it to be, what you do not want to do when the kite is going to a direction you don't want it to go, lets say the ground, tree or a house is to pull into the string, this will make it go toward that direction more and faster. As obvious as this may seem, you will be surprised how often people do this.
As the kite gets close to the ground at times, people's natural reaction is to pull on the string, instead just relax your string and let the kite point back up wards and then slightly pull on the string.
Bringing Your Kite Back Down:
Simply keep pulling on to the string, and relax or even feed a little string if the kite goes towards the ground, then keep pulling when kite pointing up. With little practice you will get a hang of it.
Ideal Place to Fly Your Kite:
- In places like Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, these kites are being flown from just about anywhere, side walks, parks and roof tops. However, the best place to fly them especially if you are a beginner is a nice park with plenty of open field and nice grass ( make sure the grass is not wet ), reason being is that when you are new and practicing you are bound to have your kite crashing to the ground every now and then and if you are flying it in a open space and nice grass you will not damage the kite, get it stuck on to a tree, or get it wet. Later on as you become more experienced you can fly it from anywhere you like.
- Please check out our Video clip tab for some visual regarding all of the above tips.
Afghan Fighter Kites
Contact Us: AfghaniKites@gmail.com